Activate Inactivate or Terminate an Employee

Inactivate or Terminate an Employee

When you need to terminate or inactivate an employee:

Payroll > Employees > Employee List

  1. Find the employee you want to inactivate, and slide the “Status” toggle from Active to Inactive.
  2. For the “Are you sure…” message, choose Yes.
  3. You can do the same thing to reactivate them later.

The employee’s name will not appear on the Payroll Entry screen the next time you run a payroll. 

Activate Inactivate Employee

You can also click the employee’s name in the employee list and inactivate inside their record.

  1. Click the Pay Info link at the top of the employee’s record > Edit
  2. Select “No” for the Active? field, and click Save.
Once an employee has been paid, you cannot delete the employee from your records. You can only inactivate their status.

If you have TIME, you will not be able to inactivate an employee if they have hours in a saved time card that has not yet been paid.

To delete an employee who was never paid

If an employee does not have any payroll history or transactions, you may delete this employee.

  1. Payroll > Employees > Employee List
  2. In the list, if there is a trashcan icon at the end of their row, the employee can be deleted.  If there is no trashcan, the employee already has payroll transactions, and cannot be deleted.

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