If you are a new employer and need information to set up your payroll, we have created state-specific information to get you started. Just select the state you are in, and you will be taken to all new employer information you need to get started before you run payroll. This payroll information for employers can help reduce the stress of your payroll setup.
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Add New Employee
To add a new employee go to: Payroll > Employees > Add Employee. A blank set of fields will appear for you to complete. Complete the Personal Information section. All fields marked with a red asterisk are required. Enter the employee’s ...
Example Federal Identification Number aka Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). FEINs, or EINs, are used by employers and other businesses for tax filing and reporting purposes. FEINs are business’s unique nine-digit number on documents, the IRS can easily identify your company. ...
Background Most business owners receive an annual determination of their state unemployment (SUTA) tax rates. These rates are based on their company’s unemployment claims “experience.” For example, if you lay off several employees and they collect ...
Editing Employee Tax Information
Payroll > Employees > Employee List > Click the Employee Name > Taxes > Edit. Federal Filing Filing Status: By default, the filing status will be Single. Choose the correct filing status in the drop-down list as specified on the employee’s Form ...
Employee Portal: Editing Federal Tax Withholding
Editing My Federal Tax Withholding You can view and make changes to your federal tax withholding in your employee portal. From the main page, click “Federal Tax.” You can view your federal tax settings and history of previous W-4 ...